What Cries Out
We are a monthly Mother-Daughter True Crime Podcast. Each month we will focus on a case that cries out to us. What brings an individual to the precipice of darkness? Can we make sense of societies darkest edges? Sometimes we share generationally opposing views or push our own minds to that edge, but we do this to bring souls into remembrance all while bringing a social issue to light... This is What Cries Out.
What Cries Out
Lucy Letby: I Am Evil
There is a Latin expression, "Res Ipsa Loquitur" meaning ('the thing speaks for itself', or literally 'the thing itself speaks') and I can't help but see this being exactly what What Cries Out stands for. This expression is common in law where the facts make it self-evident that negligence or other responsibility lies within a party, therefore it is not necessary to provide extraneous details, since it is so painfully obvious. This is vital for us to understand when it comes to the context of this case.... A case that has so many layers of evil. The evil and darkness of one of the most prolific modern serial killers you will hear about... but that is just one angle. Because we are not only talking about a monster here... but a monster who was enabled and protected under the guise of reputation and responsibility. Lucy Letby IS the painfully obvious thing that speaks for itself. You just need to have eyes to see. Welcome to Episode 36, Lucy Letby: I am Evil.
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Show Notes:
Statement in response to launch of Cheshire Police corporate manslaughter investigation | Countess of Chester Hospital (coch.nhs.uk)
Lucy Letby background: Her crimes, where she lived, her parents and sentence | The Independent
Lucy Letby - Wikipedia
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